Khelo India Scheme
(a) the budget allocated for the Khelo India Scheme since inception and its current status of implementation especially in Bihar, State/UT-wise;
(b) the funds released to the States/UTs under the scheme particularly to Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra since the scheme began and the criterion adopted by the Union Government for allotting funding to the States;
(c) the list of development projects completed and new projects undertaken under the scheme in Andhra Pradesh;
(d) the details of talented players who have been selected and are being trained in Andhra Pradesh under the Khelo-India Programme, district-wise;
(e) whether the Government proposes to create world-class sports infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh for enhancing the athletic potential of Andhra Youth and if so, the details thereof; and
(f) whether the Government proposes to create sports facilities for Divyangjans in Andhra Pradesh and if so, the details thereof ?
To know the answer of above questions reg. Khelo India Scheme please see below the full text of Loksabha unstarred Question No.2938.
ANSWERED ON: 05.12.2019
Khelo India Scheme
Srinivas Kesineni
Pradeep Kumar Singh
Hemant Tukaram Godse
Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu
Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state:-
(a) the budget allocated for the Khelo India Scheme since inception and its current status of implementation especially in Bihar, State/UT-wise;
(b) the funds released to the States/UTs under the scheme particularly to Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra since the scheme began and the criterion adopted by the Union Government for allotting funding to the States;
(c) the list of development projects completed and new projects undertaken under the scheme in Andhra Pradesh;
(d) the details of talented players who have been selected and are being trained in Andhra Pradesh under the Khelo-India Programme, district-wise;
(e) whether the Government proposes to create world-class sports infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh for enhancing the athletic potential of Andhra Youth and if so, the details thereof; and
(f) whether the Government proposes to create sports facilities for Divyangjans in Andhra Pradesh and if so, the details thereof ?
(a) and (b) Khelo India Scheme in its extant form was launched in 2017-18. Information relating to budget allocated for the Khelo India Scheme is as below:
<pre> (Amount in Rs. crore)
S. No. Year Budget allocated
1. 2017-18 350.00
2. 2018-19 500.09
3. 2019-20 500.00*
(* At BE Stage)</pre>
The Khelo India Scheme does not provide for State/Union Territory wise allocation or release of funds. Khelo India Scheme has 12 verticals with focus on specific outcomes. The scheme aims at identifying sporting talent and supporting them for training and competitions. The scheme also provides for bridging gaps in sports infrastructure. The Khelo India Scheme does not provide for State/ Union Territory wise allocation or release of funds. The beneficiary athletes are not segregated on the basis of geographical area.
Information of infrastructure projects sanctioned under the scheme during the last three years and the current year is at Annexure I. The projects are sanctioned based on funds availability and technical viability. One sports infrastructure project namely construction of Multipurpose Indoor Hall at Nawada was sanctioned in Bihar during 2018-19. However, due to non-fulfilment of electronic payment system compliances by the Bihar State Sports Authority, the funds could not be transferred.
A sum of Rs. 738.67 crore have been released to States / Union Territories and other eligible entities for bridging gaps in sports infrastructure and holding sports competitions under Khelo India Scheme, including the release of funds to discharge committed liabilities for the projects sanctioned under erstwhile Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme. Details of the same including funds released to Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra is at Annexure II.
(c) The list of development projects completed and new projects undertaken under Khelo India Scheme in the State of Andhra Pradesh is at Annexure III.
(d) A total of 48 athletes (25 male and 23 female) have been selected as Khelo India Athletes under the “Talent Search and Development” vertical of Khelo India Scheme and are being trained in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The District-wise details of the same is at Annexure IV.
(e) ‘Sports’ being a State subject the responsibility for providing sports facilities, including creation of world-class sports infrastructure for enhancing athletic potential, rests with the State / Union Territory Governments. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports supplements their efforts by training, coaching and bridging gaps in sports infrastructure. The scheme does not provide for creation of mega projects such as large scale stadium and world-class sports infrastructure for enhancing athletic
potential in the States / Union Territories. As such, there is no proposal under consideration in this Ministry for creation of world-class sports infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh. The responsibility for developing and creating sports infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh and maintaining accordingly rests with the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Existing infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh could accommodate training including high performance training for large number of athletes.
(f) The scheme of Khelo India and the sports facilities created thereunder is for all athletes including Divyangjans. In addition to this, Khelo India Scheme also has a dedicated vertical of “Promotion of Sports among persons with disabilities” for development of sports among Divyangjans. National Sports Federations, Paralympics Committee of India, All India Sports Council for Deaf and Special Olympic Bharat are also provided assistance by this Ministry for development of sports among Divyangjans.
Source: Loksabha