मेगा फ़ूड पार्क स्कीम : लोकसभा में दिए गए प्रश्न का उत्तर
केंद्र सरकार की तरफ से खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग राज्य मंत्री ने लोकसभा में एक प्रश्न के जवाब में खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योगों के लिए आधुनिक अवसंरचना सृजन करने हेतु मेगा फ़ूड पार्क स्कीम कर्यान्वित किया जा रहा है। इस स्कीम का मुख्य उद्येश्य खेत से बाजार तक मूल्य श्रृंखला समेत खाद्य प्रसंस्करण के लिए आधुनिक अवसंरचना सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराना है। मेगा फ़ूड पार्क के तहत लोगों को प्रत्यक्ष / अप्रत्यक्ष रोजगार उपलब्ध कराया जाता है। कृषि-प्रसंस्करण क्लस्टरों की स्थापना इस मेगा फ़ूड पार्क स्कीम के तहत नहीं की जाती है। इसके लिए क्लस्टर अवसंरचना के सृजन हेतु एक अलग से स्कीम है।
Here is the text of English Version:
ANSWERED ON: 15.09.2020
Mega Foods Parks Scheme
Kirit Premjibhai Solanki
Will the Minister of
FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES be pleased to state:-
(a) the salient features of the Mega Food Parks Scheme and the current status of its implementation in the country;
(b) the number of jobs that are expected to be created under this scheme and the details thereof;
(c) the number of Agro-Processing Clusters proposed to be set up under the scheme, State/UT-wise; and
(d) whether this scheme will have any impact on crop wastage and is so, the details thereof?
(a): Ministry of Food Processing Industries is implementing Mega Food Park Scheme (MFPS) to create modern infrastructure for the food processing industries since 2008. This scheme is now a component of the new Central Sector Umbrella Scheme– Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY). The Mega Food Park Scheme (MFPS) aims at providing modern infrastructure facilities for food processing along the value chain from farm to market. The salient features of the scheme are mentioned in Annexure-I. Total 42 Mega Food Parks (MFPs) were envisaged by the Government. As on date, Ministry has accorded final approval to 37 MFPs in 23 States/UTs which are under various stages of implementation. Out of this, 19 MFPs are operational. Current status of implementation is mentioned in Annexure-II.
(b): As per the scheme guidelines, each fully operational Mega Food Park will provide direct/indirect employment to about 5000 persons. The details of employment provided by the 19 operational Mega Food parks as on date is mentioned in Annexure-III.
(c): Agro-Processing Clusters are not set-up under the Mega Food Park scheme of the Ministry. However, there is a separate scheme of the Ministry for Creation of Infrastructure for Agro-Processing Clusters. Details of Agro Processing Clusters proposed to be set-up under the Ministry’s scheme for Creation of Infrastructure for Agro-Processing Clusters is mentioned in Annexure-IV.
(d): The scheme of Mega Food Park has the primary objective of providing modern infrastructure facilities for the food processing along the value chain from the farm to the market. It will include creation of infrastructure near farm (i.e. collection centres & Primary Processing centres), transportation, logistics and centralized processing centres etc. This will have impact on increased realization of farmers, reduction in wastage and creation of an efficient supply chain backed by collection centres, primary processing centres and logistic infrastructure.
Source: [English Version] [Hindi Version]