Wages Increase in MGNREGA : India-Fights-Corona

Wages Increase in MGNREGA : India-Fights-Corona

In connection to fight with noval corona virus disease, COVID-19, Government of India announced a wage increase in MGNREGA. 5 Crore family will be benefitted with additional income of Rs. 2000/worker.

#PradhanMantriGareebKalyanYojana के तहत 5 करोड़ परिवारों को लाभ पहुंचाने के उद्देश्य से सरकार ने मनरेगा में मजदूरी वृद्धि की घोषणा की, जिसके अंतर्गत अतिरिक्त दो हजार रूपए मनरेगा कामगार को दिए जाएंगे

Government announces a wage increase in MGNREGA; to result in addition income of ₹2000/worker; to benefit 5 crore families 
Government announces a wage increase in MGNREGA; to result in addition income of ₹2000/worker; to benefit 5 crore families #IndiaFightsCorona #Lockdown21 pic.twitter.com/tfPULtKtSp

— PIB India (@PIB_India) March 26, 2020

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