National Guidance for Blood Transfusion Services in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic

National Guidance for Blood Transfusion Services in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issue the New Guidance to Blood Transfusion Service in India in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic. This is the second guidance of Blood Transfusion, the first guidance has announced on Dated 25th March 2020. For more details of the guidance, read below:
National Blood Transfusion Council
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Government of India
O.M. S- 12016/99/2019-NACO(NBTC)
Dated: – 25/06/2020
Dear Sir/Madam,
As you are all aware, National Blood Transfusion Council had already issued a detailed first interim “National guidance to blood transfusion services in India in light of COVID-19 pandemic: on 25th March 2020 for preventive measures to be undertaken by the health care professionals and various stakeholders for Blood Transfusion Services to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19 in Blood Centers and blood donors.
In the continuation of first Interim National Guidance, the second interim “National guidance to blood transfusion services in India in light of COVID-19 pandemic” subsequently is being issued in light of newer evidences generated for COVID-19. This guidance has been developed with Multi-Stakeholder consultation. “National guidance to blood transfusion services in India in light of COVID-19 pandemic” dated 25th June 2020 is in supersession of first guidance issued by NBTC dated 25th March 2020.

The guidance developed in the context of blood transfusion services is enclosed for your reference. I request all State AIDS Control Societies and State Blood Transfusion Councils to adopt the guidance to their specific needs and accordingly direct the professionals engaged in blood transfusion services to facilitate maintenance of adequate stocks of safe blood to meet requirements.
It is also re-iterated that updated MoHFW guidelines with respect to various protocols for COVID-19 available on should also be fully compiled with.



Source: MoHFW

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