Mid Day Meal Scheme : Unstarred Question raised in Loksabha

 Mid Day Meal Scheme : Unstarred Question raised in Loksabha

Today in the Parliament of India at the Loksabha Session has raised the unstarred question about the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Answered of the raises questions related Mid Day Meal Scheme by the member of Loksabha Gomati Reddy Venkat Reddy. 

ANSWERED ON: 14.09.2020

Mid Day Meal Scheme

Komati Reddy Venkat Reddy
Will the Minister of Education be pleased to state:-

(a) the number of children who were given cooked meals under the Mid Day Meal scheme either in school or at their place of residence between March and August 2020, State-wise;

(b) the number of children who were given ration kits under the Mid Day Meal scheme during the same period, State-wise; and

(c) the number of children who were provided food security allowances in place of meals and kits under the said scheme during the same period, State-wise?



(a) to (c): Mid-Day Meal is the entitlement of a child, guaranteed under the National Food Security Act, 2013 and extent per child per day norms of hot cooked meal under MDMS are as under:
Stage Foodgrain Cooking Cost
Amount Items
Primary 100 gms Rs. 4.97 20 gms pulse, 50 gms vegetables, 5 gm oil other condiments and fuel.
Upper Primary 150 gms Rs. 7.45 30 gms pulse, 75 gms vegetables, 7.5 gm oil other condiments and fuel.
Since, it is not possible to provide hot cooked meal under the prevailing circumstances (COVID-19), State Government and UT Administrations are advised to provide Food Security Allowance (FSA) comprising of foodgrains, pulses, oil etc (equivalent to cooking cost) to all eligible children till such time their schools are closed due to aforesaid pandemic. The modalities for this purpose may be decided by the respective States and UTs, suitable to the prevailing circumstances. The ad-hoc grant released and foodgrains already allocated may be utilized for this purpose. States and UTs are further advised that all the precautionary measures to face the situation arising out of Novel COVID-19 (Corona) virus, as advised by the Central and State Governments should be followed. As per the information received from States and UTs, the State wise details of number of children provided Food Security Allowance (FSA) during March – August 2020 are given at Annexure.


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